So....Office Max is confusing me this week. I didn't receive an ad in any of my 5 papers, nor did my parents in any of the 6 papers they receive. However, my friend Christy over at Thrifty & Thriving told me she did get an insert, but it's an odd one.
Apparently some areas received a paper bag from Office Max & if you bring that bag into an Office Max near you, you will get 20% off anything you can fit inside the bag. Additionally all furniture, storage drawers, totes, boxes, & printer accessories are on sale.
What did catch my eye was when Christy mentioned that Sharpie single mini markers, highlighters, & pencil sharpeners are on sale for $.10 each (limit 3 of each). Also you can get Scotch Magic Tape doughnut dispensers or Post It 2x2 cubes, 400 sheets (limit 2 of each) for $1.
So there you have it....not the best deals this week for at Office Max. I do know that other areas around the US have better deals, so if you're not in the NW, look online & see what you find. Also, if you stop by a local Office Max & get a screamin' deal, leave a comment & let us know.
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