It was about this time last year when I decided to start clipping coupons in an effort to reduce our budget. I quickly embraced it (became obsessed is probably more accurate) & feel in love with the rush of getting stuff free. I often think back to the days when I paid full price for items (gasp!) & wish I knew then what I know now.
Snagging great deals can be intimidating, though. Clerks often look at you as if you're doing something wrong. Let me make something very clear to you all: As long as you are using coupons ethically (which I will go into more in the near future), you are not doing anything wrong. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise!
Pictured above is my score from Rite Aid today. If I had paid full retail value, I would have spent $62.08 including sales tax. Wanna know what I paid? $36.04. However, I earned $1 in +UP rewards (which I can use just like cash at Rite Aid on a future purchase) & will submit for $35.41 in rebates from Rite Aid, making my total for this purchase a profit of $.37!
This shopping trip didn't even require clipping coupons from the paper, either. I only used a $5/$25 purchase coupon that you can print here. To get these items free, you will need to submit for a Single Check Rebate (SCR) & you can create your SCR account here. You'll also want to sign up for Rite Aid's Wellness+ program, which you can do in store or here.
So spend less than 5 minutes signing up for the programs, print out the coupon, & head to Rite Aid. You'll make a few pennies & stock up on supplies you probably already need. If you don't need these items, consider donating them to your local food bank. I'm begging you though....don't pay full price!
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