Monday, March 22, 2010

Hourly Rate for Clipping Coupons

I found this article online last month & meant to post it, but well....I forgot. The Wall Street Journal researched the benefits of clipping coupons to see if it pays off & the information is compelling. Some highlights include:

  • Coupon redemption rose 27% in 2009 compared to 2008.
  • Redemption of online coupons rose 360% last year.
  • The average saving per coupon is $1.44.
  • Assuming that average saving per coupon & assuming you clip 1 coupon per minute, the hourly rate for clipping coupons is $86.40.

My favorite part about this hourly rate is that it's tax free & anyone can do it. You just need to invest the time. So if you're wondering whether or not it's worth it, the answer seems pretty clear.


  1. Heather,

    Thanks for posting this WSJ article. I just sent it to my husband, maybe he will understand a bit better why a lot of my time is spent on coupons! :)

    Also, have you received your P&G esaver check in the mail for the Bounty and the Charmin we bought at Safeway?


  2. Joy, I'm so glad you came back! You're right; clipping coupons can be time consuming. I think I spend about an hour a week getting them all organized. But it's worth it, as this article points out.

    As for hte P&G eSaver refund, I was told that they do all of their refunds at the end of the month & that we should receive them in the early part of April. If you don't get it, let me know!


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